Are Takis Vegan? – A Closer Look

Takis, often referred to as Taquis, represent a culinary innovation inspired by the traditional Mexican taquito. These spicy, crunchy, rolled-up chips have captivated snack enthusiasts worldwide with their intense flavors and unique texture.

This article looks into the nuances of Takis, focusing on their vegan-friendly options, common ingredients, and environmental considerations.

Key Takeaways

  • Vegan Choices: Takis offers vegan flavors like Original Fuego and Nitro Habanero. Yet, vegans need to watch for ingredients such as bone char-processed sugar and the environmental impact of canola and palm oils.
  • Health Watch: Takis, known for their crunch and spice, carry health implications with their calorie, fat, sodium, and carb content. These contribute to concerns over weight and heart health, stressing moderation.
  • Environmental Impact: Ingredients in Takis, like palm oil, lead to environmental issues including deforestation. The snack’s production also raises ethical questions for those seeking more natural options.
  • Homemade Options: Creating Takis at home with whole ingredients offers a healthier alternative. Recipes for baked tortilla spirals and spicy chickpea crunchies provide similar tastes with less sodium and no preservatives.

How Do They Appeal to Vegans?

How Do Takis Appeal to Vegans

Takis offers a variety of flavors catered to both seasoned and novice vegans, demonstrating the brand’s commitment to accommodating all snack preferences.

Vegan Varieties

Among the diverse flavors of Takis, several stand out for being vegan-friendly. Notably, Original Fuego, Nitro Habanero, Dragon Spicy Sweet Chili, Spicy BBQ Outlaw, and Blue Heat do not contain animal-derived ingredients, making them a popular choice among those following a vegan diet.

Considerations for Vegans

While many Takis flavors are vegan, consumers need to be aware of certain ingredients. Some Takis may contain sugar whose processing involves bone char, raising ethical concerns.

The use of canola and palm oils might pose sustainability issues, prompting some vegans to reconsider their snack choices.

Non-Vegan Flavors to Avoid

Not all Takis are suitable for vegans. Flavors like Nacho Xplosion Zesty Nacho Cheese, Chipotle Ranch, Crunchy Fajitas, and Guacamole contain milk-derived components such as whey powder, buttermilk, and sodium caseinate, making them off-limits for strict vegans.

What’s in Them?

What's in Them - takis junk food

Knowing Takis’ parts and making helps us see why they are good and what to think about for healthy eating.

Core Ingredients

The foundation of Takis lies in its simple yet versatile ingredients. Corn masa flour, vegetable oil, salt, and an assortment of seasonings create the distinctive taste and crunch of these snacks.

The specific blend of seasonings varies by flavor, contributing to the unique taste profile of each variety.

Equipment and Cross-Contamination Concerns

Takis are produced on equipment that also processes milk ingredients. Although this does not automatically classify them as non-vegan, it does mean they may carry a “may contain milk” disclaimer, a critical consideration for individuals with severe allergies or strict dietary restrictions.

Health Considerations

Takis are not marketed as a health food nor are they organic. They often contain MSG and other additives like tertiary-butyl hydroquinone (TBHQ) for preservation.

The inclusion of artificial colors and flavors, along with concerns about soy cultivation and palm oil sustainability, invites a broader discussion on the environmental impact of snack foods.

What’s the Nutritional Information?

What's the Nutritional Information - takis junk food

If you like spicy Takis Fuego or plain tortilla chips, you should know how healthy they are.

Nutrient Takis Fuego (per 1 oz/28g) Regular Tortilla Chips (per 1 oz/28g) % Daily Value (Takis Fuego) Health Impact
Calories 140 137 Affects weight, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels
Fat 8g 6g Impacts weight and cholesterol levels
Carbohydrates 16g 19g Can spike blood sugar and increase appetite
Sodium 390mg 115mg 16% Can cause high blood pressure, water retention, and kidney issues

What Are the Environmental and Ethical Considerations?

The popularity of Takis brings to light several environmental and ethical concerns that conscientious consumers may wish to consider.

Sustainability Issues

The use of canola and palm oil in Takis raises questions about the environmental sustainability of these ingredients. Palm oil production, in particular, has been linked to deforestation and habitat destruction, prompting some consumers to seek out more sustainable snack options.

Vegan Ingredients and Their Impact

While Takis’ vegan ingredients, such as yeast extract and MSG, align with a plant-based diet, the broader implications of soy cultivation for animal habitats and biodiversity cannot be overlooked. These aspects underscore the importance of considering the environmental footprint of our dietary choices.

Artificial Additives

The presence of artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives in Takis might also be a point of contention for vegans focused on natural and minimally processed foods. These ingredients, while vegan, raise debates about food processing and its impact on health and the environment.

Are there any DIY options?

For enthusiasts of the tangy zest and fiery kick that Takis offers, creating a homemade version presents an opportunity to enjoy this beloved snack with a healthier twist. By opting for DIY, you gain control over ingredients, allowing for adjustments that cater to dietary preferences and nutritional goals.

Baked Tortilla Spirals

Zucchini Takis - DIY takis vegan options

  • Whole grain or corn tortillas
  • Olive or avocado oil
  • Lime juice
  • Paprika, cayenne pepper, and garlic powder (adjust according to taste preference)
  • Nutritional yeast (for a cheesy flavor without dairy)


  1. Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C).
  2. Cut the tortillas into thin strips or wedges, depending on your preference.
  3. In a bowl, mix olive or avocado oil with lime juice, paprika, cayenne pepper, garlic powder, and nutritional yeast to create your seasoning.
  4. Toss the tortilla pieces in the seasoning mix until evenly coated.
  5. Spread the seasoned tortillas on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, ensuring they don’t overlap.
  6. Bake for 10-15 minutes or until crispy, turning halfway through for even crispness.

Spicy Chickpea Crunchies

Spicy Chickpea Crunchies - DIY takis vegan options

  • 1 can of chickpeas, drained and rinsed
  • Olive oil
  • Lime zest
  • Chili powder, cumin, and smoked paprika


  1. Preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C).
  2. Dry the chickpeas thoroughly with a towel to ensure crispiness.
  3. Toss the chickpeas with a small amount of olive oil, then season with lime zest, chili powder, cumin, and smoked paprika.
  4. Spread the chickpeas on a baking sheet and roast for 20-30 minutes, shaking the pan occasionally, until golden and crunchy.

Zucchini Takis

Zucchini - DIY takis vegan options

  • Zucchini cut into thin strips
  • Almond flour or breadcrumbs for a gluten-free option
  • Olive oil
  • Paprika, cayenne, and garlic powder


  1. Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C).
  2. Mix almond flour or breadcrumbs with paprika, cayenne, and garlic powder.
  3. Dip zucchini strips in olive oil, then dredge in the seasoned flour or breadcrumbs.
  4. Place on a baking sheet and bake for 20-25 minutes, flipping halfway through, until crispy.


Can I find Takis flavors without artificial colors or flavors?

While Takis are celebrated for their bold tastes and hues, the majority incorporate artificial colors and flavors to achieve their signature appeal. Those seeking snacks devoid of these components might need to explore alternative brands prioritizing natural ingredients.

Do any Takis varieties avoid the use of MSG?

Takis, known for their robust flavor profile, typically include MSG (monosodium glutamate) to enhance taste. Finding a variant within the Takis lineup that omits MSG would be challenging, as it is a key ingredient in achieving their distinctive savory depth.

Are there Takis options with reduced sodium content?

The traditional Takis recipe emphasizes a spicy and salty taste, resulting in a higher sodium content. As of now, there are no specific low-sodium Takis options available, suggesting that consumers concerned about sodium intake might need to consider alternative snack choices or consume Takis in moderation.

How do homemade Takis compare nutritionally to store-bought?

Homemade Takis alternatives allow for a tailored nutritional profile, typically resulting in snacks with less sodium, no preservatives, and potentially lower fat content, depending on the ingredients and preparation methods used. This customization makes them a healthier option compared to their store-bought counterparts.

Is there a way to ensure vegan Takis are also environmentally friendly?

Ensuring that vegan Takis choices are environmentally friendly involves scrutinizing the sourcing of ingredients like palm and canola oils, which are associated with sustainability issues. Opting for flavors that minimize or exclude these ingredients, or choosing homemade versions using sustainable oils, can align with both vegan and eco-conscious preferences.

Can individuals with allergies safely consume Takis?

Given that Takis are produced on equipment that processes milk ingredients, and considering the wide range of seasonings and additives used, individuals with specific food allergies should carefully review ingredient lists and may need to contact the manufacturer for more detailed allergen information to ensure safety.


To sum up, Takis are colorful and tasty snacks that many people like, even vegans. But their parts, how they are made, and how they affect the earth are not simple.

They make us think more about snacking. No matter if you like the hot Fuego or the sour Nitro Habanero, knowing more about your snacks can make your food journeys more fun and help you eat smarter.